Industrial waste treatment

The Industrial waste treatment course is designed to cover a broad range of topics in the field. Both biological and physical chemical treatment will be discussed. The technology discussed will apply to both direct industrial dischargers and indirect dischargers to the Publicly Owned Treatment Works (POTWs). The sessions will focus on topics requirements for the Industrial Wastewater Works and Pretreatment Plants of Class-4, Biological lagoons, and Class-5, Activated Sludge. 

Topics Include:

-- Overview of Municipal/Industrial Pretreatment, Local limit Development,                                   Monitoring Requirements and Compliance Enforcement      

​-- Prevention and Response to Violations

-- Chemical Feed

-- Metals Precipitation/ Oil Water Separation, Thickening & Dewatering

-- Pumps

-- Controls 

-- Principles of Biological Treatment

-- Anaerobic Treatment Processes-

-- Aerobic Treatment

-- Membrane Treatment